Sadly, no, Yale has not given us a bajillion ??? to compete with the International Space Station. The Yale Space Station (YSS) is actually a ham radio station that will be constructed atop Sheffield-Sterling-Strathcona Hall (SSSH… ik what a tongue-twister). In Spring 2020, we secured the bag, meaning Yale’s administrative funding and approval for our project! Currently, we’re focusing on applying to ARISS, the organization that allows student groups (equipped with the right materials such as a ham radio station) to make LIVE contact with the actual NASA astronauts aboard the ISS!

If you love teaching kids about physics/ engineering and helping kids in New Haven get exposed to STEAM this is the perfect team for you! We’re currently planning outreach projects in New Haven. Plus it would legendary to be able to LIVE contact NASA astronauts ?‍???‍? IN SPACE and (once the ham radio station is built) a) go to the top of SSSH ? and b) shoot radio waves to the moon and measure the speed of light. ? The co-team leads are Sarah Pentzke and Tyler Schroder.

The Yale Space Station project is funded by the Yale Science and Engineering Association. We thank them for their generous support and appreciate their dedication to science and engineering at Yale!

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  • Visit to the Yale Space Station! 2/25/2022

    Y-IEEE members recently visited the Yale Space Station! It was well worth the trek up Hillhouse in the cold weather. We learned about radio and even got to take turns speaking on the radio! Contact us if you’re interested in joining the YSS team and getting your radio license!